Inline Consulting

Letz Chat

Sarasota Memorial Hospital
LetzChat overview video
LetzChat website letzchat
Plenty of information can be found on their website, to include demos of the individual services: Our Innovations
Industry Whitepapers
A few key things to note at a high level:
  • It’s an “AI translation software.”
  • It is 30% more accurate than Google Translate.
  • Will live translate into 105 languages (AI constantly building)
  • Current clients are the NFL, McDonalds, Comcast, Golf Network, The University of Miami….just to name a few.
  • They have a patented technology that detects “device language.” So whatever language they that is established on the phone or computer initially, will be the language it automatically translates to.
2023 LetzChat Deck
Car Dealerships – White papers
Education White Papers
LetzChat – Instant SMS Translation
LetzChat – Instant Subtitle Translation
LetzChat – Instant Website Translation
LetzChat – Supported Languages
LetzChat Q&A
LetzChat Healthcare – White Paper